Cherise is the Apprentice.
Her role is to look after the incoming events, such as people who wish to rent the offices and halls in the college.

Jennifer Mitchell:
Her title is Business To Business Marketing Officer.
She looks after employer marketing, She works on the college website and written advertisement. She organises events.

Jane is the Schools Liason.
Her role is to build relationships between the college and schools. Therefor reaching out to potential future students.

She is the Head of Marketing.
She has a degree in economics.
Her role is to coordinate all the individual jobs and roles in the college and keep the team working as a collabarative.

Alan is the Senior Graphic Designer.
To work under this job title, you would have to have a degree or HND.
His role is to design logos, posters, leaflets, reports, prospectus' and websites. He is currently working on designing a new logo to advertise the A-level courses in the college.

He is a Graphic Designer.
He has a HND (higher national diploma) qualification
His role in the team is much like Alan goldsmith's; he designs leaflets, flyers, posters, reports and prospectus'.

Caroline Ponto:
Caroline's title is Press and Communications Officer.
She is incharge of the bi-weekly newsletter. She also looks after the online profiles, such as, their Facebbok page and Twitter account.
All the people above are employed on salary pay. The marketing people also empoys people under a free lance agreemant. These tend to be roles such as photograpers.
The marketing teams role is to advertise the college. They are responsible for all forms of advertisement related to the college. Their aim is to make the college a more attractive option to future students and employers. They aim to advertise a safe, fun, attractive learning enviroment.
The graphic designers in the team are the people who will do the artwork for all the advertisement. Then there are the roles of the people who are responible for liasing with other companies and educational institutions. There are also the people who are responsible for the written advertisement.
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