I created an image using photoshop as a medium. My piece was inspired by the work of Julian Opie. I chose o use photoshop because I had previously experimented wih using acrylic paint, and felt tips. Neither of these mediums gave me the right opions to create a piece similar to the work of Julian Opie. Each of those mediums (acrylic paint and felt tips) left me wiht brush/pen srokes on my piece, unlike the flat, block colour of Julian Opie's compuer generated portraits.
To create my photoshop image I scanned in a previously drawn pen outline portrait to use as a starting point for my piece created on photoshop. I then used the paintbrush tool on photoshop to trace round my image on photoshop. I traced each feaure of my portrait (face, hair, and neck etc.) on seperate photoshop layers. I then used the paintbucket tool to fill in the different parts of the portrait.
Using photoshop is definitely the most effective of the mediums I used. It gives a clean, flat colour, similar to Julian Opie's work.
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